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Kitab Sabilal Muhtadin: A Classic Work of Islamic Jurisprudence by Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
Kitab Sabilal Muhtadin (The Path of the Righteous to Understand the Matters of Religion) is a famous work of Islamic jurisprudence written by Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, a prominent scholar from Banjar, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The book was composed in the 18th century and covers various topics of Islamic law, such as ritual purity, prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj, marriage, divorce, inheritance, jihad, and others. The book is based on the Shafi'i school of law and follows the Ash'ari creed. It also contains references to other schools of law and opinions of various scholars.
The book is widely studied and taught in traditional Islamic schools (pesantren) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and other parts of Southeast Asia. It is considered one of the most authoritative and comprehensive works of Islamic jurisprudence in the Malay language. The book has been printed in various editions and formats, including PDF files that can be downloaded online. Some examples of websites that provide the PDF files are:
Kitab Sabilul Muhtadin â Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari PDF [^1^]
Sabil Al Muhtadin Juzuk 1 & 2 (ØØÙÙ ØÙÙ ÙتØÙÙ) [^2^]
Sabil Al Muhtadin juzuk 1 [^4^]
The book is a valuable source of knowledge and guidance for Muslims who want to learn and practice their religion according to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.The author of Kitab Sabilal Muhtadin, Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, was a prominent scholar and a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was born in Martapura, South Kalimantan, on 17 March 1710 CE or 1122 AH. His original name was Sayyid Ja'far Al-Aydarus. He came from a noble family that had a close relationship with the Sultanate of Banjar. He received his early education from his family and also learned calligraphy. He had a strong desire to pursue higher studies in Mecca, the holy city of Islam.
In 1739 CE or 1152 AH, he was granted permission by the Sultan of Banjar to travel to Mecca. He performed the pilgrimage (hajj) and then stayed in Mecca for several years to study various Islamic sciences under renowned scholars. He also visited Medina, Cairo, and other places of learning. He mastered various disciplines such as jurisprudence (fiqh), theology (aqidah), exegesis (tafsir), hadith, mysticism (tasawwuf), and others. He became one of the most respected and influential scholars in Mecca and received many titles and honors.
After more than 30 years of studying and teaching in Mecca, he decided to return to his homeland in 1770 CE or 1184 AH. He was welcomed by Sultan Tahmidullah II, the grandson of Sultan Tahlilullah who had supported his journey to Mecca. Sultan Tahmidullah II was a pious and devout ruler who cared about the religious affairs of his kingdom. He requested Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari to write a comprehensive book of jurisprudence based on the Shafi'i school of law and the Ash'ari creed. The book was intended to be a guide for the Muslims in Southeast Asia who followed the same school and creed.
Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari accepted the request and began to write his magnum opus, Kitab Sabilal Muhtadin (The Path of the Righteous to Understand the Matters of Religion). The book took him about 20 years to complete. It was divided into two volumes and 12 chapters, covering various topics of Islamic law such as ritual purity, prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj, marriage, divorce, inheritance, jihad, and others. The book was based on the Quran, the Sunnah, the consensus (ijma') of the scholars, and the analogy (qiyas) of the jurists. The book also contained references to other schools of law and opinions of various scholars.
Kitab Sabilal Muhtadin was a masterpiece of Islamic jurisprudence that combined depth, breadth, clarity, and elegance. It was widely acclaimed and praised by scholars and students alike. It became one of the most authoritative and comprehensive works of Islamic jurisprudence in the Malay language. It was widely studied and taught in traditional Islamic schools (pesantren) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and other parts of Southeast Asia. It was also used as a reference in Al-Azhar University in Egypt and other prestigious institutions of learning.
Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari passed away on 3 October 1812 CE or 1227 AH in Martapura. He was buried in Dalam Pagar cemetery near his birthplace. He left behind a legacy of knowledge and piety that inspired generations of Muslims in Southeast Asia and beyond. 061ffe29dd